10 Natural Herbs to Gain Weight Quickly

Herbs to gain weight

Are you underweight? Do you want to gain weight quickly and healthily?

While obesity is one of the biggest global epidemics, being skinny is also a huge problem for many people. Being underweight or skinny can often be embarrassing and disappointing for anyone. This is the reason why many people go for unnatural weight gain supplements that can cause long-term side effects. But don’t worry as there are plenty of natural herbs to gain weight quickly in a health-friendly manner. Most of these herbs are readily available at your homes or a grocery store nearby. Before checking out these herbs, let’s check some important details about being skinny or underweight.

Causes Of Being Underweight

Some various causes or factors might be the reason for a person being underweight.

  • Hereditary Factors – Sometimes, being skinny runs in the family genetics and is inherited by a person.
  • Improper Diet – People who don’t eat properly due to their lifestyle or poverty are also prone to being underweight.
  • Poor Metabolism – Poor metabolism of the nutrients present in foods can also result in this weight gain problem.
  • Appetite Influencing Drugs – Certain drugs may reduce the appetite of a person, causing the person to eat less and not gain weight.
  • Underlying Disorders – Many physical and psychological health problems affect the weight gain process of the body. These may include hypothyroidism, inflammation, depression, PCOS, and Hormonal Imbalance, etc.
  • Eating Disorders – Certain eating disorders like Anorexia Nervosa can also make the person extremely fearful about gaining weight. Thus, a person ends up eating very little food and is unable to gain weight.

Best Weight Gain Herbs

Here are some of the proven and best herbs for weight gain in a fast and health-friendly way.



Chamomile is a very effective weight gain herb because of its hunger boosting properties. Several research studies have shown that the regular intake of chamomile results in a higher appetite. This is because this amazing herb helps in alleviating digestion related problems like indigestion and constipation. Thus, a person ends up eating more food and naturally puts on weight. Other essential health benefits of chamomile include improved sleep quality, cancer prevention, healthier heart, and maintenance of blood sugar levels.



Ginger is one of the oldest medicinal remedies that offers an immense number of health benefits. In numerous medical studies, ginger was found to be very effective as one of the best herbs for weight gain. This is because of the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of ginger help in boosting appetite and alleviating digestive problems. Thus, people suffering from indigestion or constipation can be relieved by consuming ginger or drinking ginger tea. Thus, you start eating more food to fulfill your appetite and your weight starts increasing. Furthermore, ginger offers other health benefits like treating cold, improving heart health, cancer prevention, healthier brain, and treating nausea, etc.

Blessed Thistle

Blessed Thistle

Blessed Thistle is known as one of the best weight gaining herbs around the world. This is because of the presence of bitter elements called the sesquiterpene lactones. These elements are very beneficial in improving the working of the digestive system to boost the appetite of a person. Thus, if you are looking for an effective natural remedy for weight gain, go for blessed thistle. Other health benefits of this herbal plant include the treatment of colds, flu, cancer, diarrhea, and bacteria-based infections.



When it comes to the best herbs to help gain weight, fenugreek is surely going to be on the list. This nutrient-filled herb is a great source of proteins, amino acids, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. All these elements are great for boosting the digestion process and increase appetite. Furthermore, it helps to treat digestive system problems like stomachache and constipation. Thus, it helps a person to put on weight naturally and harmlessly. There are other health benefits of fenugreek like blood sugar control, cholesterol management, anti-inflammatory properties, enhancing testosterone, and breast-milk production.



This European herb is one of the bitterest herbs to increase weight. This herbal plant’s bitter root or tea helps in boosting the digestive system and increases the appetite greatly. This is because of the presence of elements like gentiopicroside and amarogentin. Both these bitter elements stimulate are effective in the stimulation of taste buds for more saliva production. Also, these help in boosting the production of gastrin, which further helps in increasing gastric and bile juice production. Thus, your appetite increases, you eat more and gain weight eventually.



Ashwagandha is one of the oldest Indian herbs that offer an endless list of health benefits. As a weight gain herb, ashwagandha helps in boosting muscle development and improving the body’s composition to increase weight. In several medical studies, this herb helped to alleviate stress, anxiety, tiredness, and depression. Also, it showed positive effects in enhancing the energy and appetite of the subjects. Thus, you start putting on weight due to the conversion of extra fat into muscles.

Licorice Root

Licorice Root

Licorice root is another gem in the list of herbs to help gain weight. The main reason behind this is that licorice root is extremely beneficial in boosting the immunity of a person. As low immunity is one of the prime reasons for being underweight, this herb reverses the process. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of this amazing herbal root help in improving digestion and appetite. Thus, you are able to gain weight quickly and healthily.

Dandelion Root

Dandelion Root

Dandelion root is not only a weight gain herb but also a great medicinal remedy. This herbal plant helps in boosting digestion to increase appetite, which ultimately leads to weight gain. Furthermore, this wondrous herb helps in treating various health problems like skin conditions, high cholesterol, blood sugar, heartburn, cancer, and indigestion. Thus, if you are looking for the best weight gaining herbs, you must definitely try this one.

Chen Pi

Chen Pi

Chen Pi is an old Chinese herb that helps in improving the digestive system to increase the appetite naturally. If your body is experiencing indigestion, gastric problems, and malabsorption, then this herb can do wonders for you. Chen Pi helps in building muscle mass healthily and harmlessly. Other health benefits of this herbal remedy include the treatment of nausea, cold, cough, and uneasiness in the chest.

Custard Apple

Custard Apple

Custard apple is also one of the most effective herbs to increase weight. This herb is a great source of Vitamin B6, which helps in treating digestive disorders and boosting the appetite. Also, the soluble fibers present in this herb promote a healthy gut, regulate bowel movements, and treat indigestion. With great metabolic activity and a higher appetite, you’re surely going to gain weight in no time.

The Bottom Line!

So these were the 10 most effective natural herbs to gain weight quickly. By combining these herbs with a calorie-dense diet and the right exercises, you can put on weight very soon. However, it is highly recommended that you consult an ayurvedic expert before you start consuming these herbs.

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