5 skin care tips that help you fight against pollution.
Hearing about smog levels rising every year must be a normal thing for you now. Smog has, unfortunately, become a permanent kind of pollution that hits us every year and causes damage that’s beyond anyone’s control. There are people who take care of themselves when there is smog in the air, like they avoid leaving their house unnecessarily or wear masks, but there are many individuals who give no heed to what this smog can result in.

If you live an urban life, you must be already aware of the fact that pollution is the greatest inconvenience of an urban lifestyle. Pollution is not just another for ‘dirty air’. It’s much more. It has toxic particles, harmful gases such as nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide and lead particles from factories. Smog is also a kind of pollution which has very harmful effects.
Pollution harms your body in more ways than you can imagine
It’s not just the lungs but pollution has the capacity to harm your skin as well. Our Skin is the most exposed part of our body and harming it isn’t a big deal for all kinds of pollutants found in the air. Our skin is also very sensitive which means it gets affected quite easily.
How does pollution harm your skin?
Pollution does more harm to your skin that you would have ever expected it to. It does more to your skin than just damaging its surface. Pollutants accumulate on your skin and block your skin pores. They reduce the process of oxygenation in your skin which disallow your skin from breathing. All this results in your skin getting suffocated and losing its shine. A skin that doesn’t breathe properly is prone to wrinkles and acne. A skin that comes into contact with pollutants on a daily basis tends to age quickly because of the creation of cellular oxidation.
Pollution has some real aggressive affects on your skin. It breaks down your skin’s natural boundary . This barrier is known as hydrolipid film. A damaged barrier means that your skin has no protection to save itself from all the toxicity. Your skin starts getting more reactive which leads to it losing its strength.
There are so many consequences that a skin may face because of a constant exposure to pollution. Here are a few:
- A dull complexion: Pollution damages your original complexion as dirt particles settle down on the surface of your skin and ruin it completely.
- Blackheads and Pimples: Since exposed skin starts suffering from blocked pores, the formation of blackheads and pimples become quite common.
- Ageing: A skin severely affected by pollution is prone to early ageing and wrinkle formation.
- Dryness: Pollution causes the skin to dehydrate which results in extreme skin dryness.
- Hyperpigmentation: This is a common skin issue that occurs when skin is in constant contact with harmful pollutants.
What can be done to protect our skin from pollution?
After understanding the kind of harm pollution can cause to our skin, it all comes down to what should be done to stop this from happening. It isn’t possible to stay at home all the time. Facing pollution is a reality that we can’t run away from but what we can do is take care of our skin so it is strong enough to fight against all the pollutants present in the air.
We have mentioned some amazing skincare tips and routines that you can follow to shield your skin from the toxicity in the air.
Remove your makeup as soon as your home
Do you know pollutants have the tendency to stick with your foundation and block your skin pores? It is very true and it is always advised to remove your makeup as soon as you are back home. Remove your makeup with a good-quality cleanser. Take a cotton ball and rub against your face to clean your face from all kinds of dirt. Rinse your face with cold water afterwards. Make it a habit and perform this skincare routine daily.
Exfoliate Daily
Exfoliation helps your skin in many ways. It unclog your skin pores and remove all dead skin cells from your skin. Pollutants give bacteria the chance to build up on your skin. Exfoliation cancels this process and stops the bacteria from building up. Perform exfoliation at least twice a week. You will feel your skin turning soft and beautiful.
Moisturize day and night
Constant exposure to pollution can lead to a dry and dehydrated skin. Moisturize your skin twice a day to retain your skin’s moisture levels. Use a moisturizer or a serum that is loaded with amazing ingredients and oils that are beneficial for your skin. You can use a cream or a fluid moisturizer to avoid your skin from extreme dryness. A moisturiser builds back the protective barrier of your skin that once was damaged by harmful pollutants.
Sunscreen Application
We can’t stress enough on a fact that sunscreen is all you need to save your skin from harmful pollutants and sunlight. Applying any kind of cream that provides you with sun protection is essential. UV rays are harmful and they amplify the harm that pollutants cause on the skin. Make a sun protection cream your best friend and carry it with you everywhere you go. Apply it every day.
Eat well
Your food consumption is also important when it comes to your skin’s health. You are what you eat and it reflects on your skin. Consume food that is rich in antioxidants and fats. Make sure the fats you consume are healthy. Increase your consumption of fruits and green vegetables to keep your skin hydrated. Don’t forget to increase your water intake. Drink fresh juices and enjoy healthy, bright skin.
Pollution is an enemy that you can’t fight back until and unless you have the right weapons. The above skin care tips are your weapons. Use them religiously and see the magic they create. For the sake of your skin, take care of yourself!