What to Eat When you Have an Upset Stomach?

If you’ve had a stomach upset before, you’re aware of the discomfort it brings. Stomach upset is likely to be triggered as a result of the food you ate. It might be accompanied by nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, bloating, vomiting, and excessive gas. While in that state, certain foods can worsen the condition. Luckily, you can eliminate the problem through treatment depending on what caused the upset. But before you visit your doctor, you can try one of the foods and drinks below that have been proven to help remedy you’re an upset stomach.

Bananas and Papaya

Vomiting and diarrhea that results from stomach upset make your body lose potassium and other nutrients, not to mention body fluids. Bananas can make up for the lost potassium and helps prevent further upset. Bananas are easily digestible and tend to be gentle on the stomach. They’ve also been found to aid in bowel movement.

Papaya is also known for its stomach curing properties and has been used for hundreds of years by many communities. It is especially effective for relieving upset stomach and diarrhea. If the stomach upset resulted from indigestion, bloating, and constipation, papaya could help resolve the problem.

It contains powerful enzymes like papain, caricain, and glycyl endopeptidase that aid in the breakdown of proteins in food, improving digestion and absorption. One study found that regular consumption of papaya reduces constipation and bloating in adults.


Ginger has been used for years as a natural remedy for stomach upset. It improves digestion and aids in soothing the intestinal tract. That’s why it is recommended that you take a glass of ginger water dosed with a few drops of lemon after a meal. Women suffering from morning sickness also found ginger to be very useful at eliminating symptoms like nausea and vomiting. This amazing herb can be eaten raw, cooked, steeped in hot water, or as a supplement. If you’re undergoing chemotherapy or major surgery, ginger can help prevent feelings of nausea caused by the treatments. Consuming one gram of ginger daily before surgery helps reduce the severity of the symptoms. Ginger works by regulating the nervous system signaling in your stomach, thus speeding up the rate at which the stomach empties, consequently reducing nausea and vomiting.


If your stomach upset resulted in diarrhea and vomiting, chances are, you’ve lost a lot of body fluids. You must replace the lost amount by increasing your fluid intake to avoid dehydration. Your doctor might recommend a short term fluid diet to help with the upset. Some of the fluids that can help you regain your body fluid without causing further upset include:

  • Plain water.
  • Diluted fruit juice.
  • Electrolyte drinks.
  • Tea without milk.
  • Herbal teas.
  • Jell-O and popsicles made from frozen diluted fruit juice.


Broth comes in handy in cases where the person is too weak to eat. Most people can’t be able to tolerate the smell of spicy foods when they have a stomach upset. But fresh, simple vegetable or bone broths are the best options. Boiled bones broth contain amino acid glutamine, which helps to keep away harmful pathogens and toxins. Plus, it helps the body absorb water and nutrients from food better.

White Rice

Foods that are easily digestible and bland are ideal remedies when it comes to dealing with a stomach upset. Plain white rice, particularly, comes highly recommended. Avoid brown rice because it can be challenging for the stomach to digest. White rice is a refined carbohydrate and is low in fiber, which is vital in reducing symptoms of stomach upset like diarrhea.

Apple Sauce

Applesauce is an excellent choice for eliminating diarrhea, considering it’s easily digestible and lots of nutrients like pectin, a type of water-soluble fiber. Since applesauce is also rich in fiber, it can aid in relieving constipation. Apples are high in antioxidants called polyphenols, which require in relieving inflammation linked to inflammatory bowel disease. Polyphenols help to regulate the body’s immune response, thus reducing inflammation. It helps to protect the gut lining as well, improving the gut microbiome, which are the trillions of microorganisms, in our digestive tract.

Probiotic-Rich Foods

Probiotics are essential for a healthy digestive system and boosting the immune system. T consume probiotics after finishing a course of antibiotics or as a treatment for chronic digestive issues. If you’re experiencing stomach upset, leading to vomiting and diarrhea, probiotic foods can help in the recovery. Plus, you might want to consume probiotic because they supply the body with beneficial gut bacteria. Examples of probiotic foods include kefir, natural yogurt, sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, kombucha, and kimchi.

Eat Healthy

Stomach upset is never a good feeling, especially if it’s accompanied by pain or diarrhea – it makes it difficult to eat anything at all. However, eating bland foods and drinking lots of fluids can help satisfy your hunger without causing any further upset. The foods discussed above supply your body with the required nutrients and replace electrolytes lost through vomiting and diarrhea. For severe or persistent stomach upset, consider seeing a doctor to diagnose the cause, and provide the necessary treatment. Once you regain your health, be sure to eat healthy balance meal to ensure good health.

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